McSporrans criminal solicitors' latest news on all aspects of criminal & road traffic law.

More than 100,000 caught not wearing seatbelts

In a recent Europe-wide operation involving 24 European countries, over 100,000 people were caught not wearing seatbelts in their motor vehicles.

The operation, organised by TISPOL, the European Traffic Police Network, detected 104,838 individuals who were breaking the law by not wearing their seatbelts - a shocking 3,245 of whom were children.

“The use of seatbelts is the single most effective method of reducing fatalities and serious injuries in motor vehicle collisions,” said Koen Ricour, President of TISPOL. “That’s why our message is clear. Wearing a seatbelt is not a matter of choice. It is required by law in every European country because it could, quite literally, save your life in the event of an accident.”

At the same time as stopping people for failing to wear seatbelts, police carried out other safety checks and detected a number of unrelated crimes. These included illegal immigration and human trafficking, and possession of illegal drugs, stolen property and firearms.

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