McSporrans criminal solicitors' latest news on all aspects of criminal & road traffic law.

Government investing to reduce reoffending

Funding has been awarded by the Scottish Government to 23 organisations working across Scotland to help break the cycle of reoffending.

In a decisive shift towards preventative spending, the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund was one of three change funds created by the Scottish Government to invest in prevention.

The Scottish Government has allocated £7.5m for the fund to invest in reducing reoffending programmes from now until March 2015.

The announcement, by Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, marks the first round of investments made from the fund, totalling £1.5m. Grants ranging from £6,656 to £200,000 are being distributed to a range of organisations across Scotland which run, or are designing, mentoring schemes to steer offenders away from crime.

This includes helping offenders adjust after being released from custody, comply with court orders, tackle alcohol and drug misuse and return to employment.

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    Lord Advocate to refer Five Cadder Cases to Supreme Court

    The Lord Advocate is to refer five cases to the UK Supreme Court for a further ruling as to the scope of the Cadder v HMA decision which was handed down by last October by the Supreme Court. Contact expert criminal defence solicitors in Edinburgh on 0131 557 9151.

    Double Jeopardy Bill Passed with Unanimous Vote

    On 22 March 2011, the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Bill passed its third and final stage through the Scottish Parliament. Contact McSporrans criminal lawyers for a free initial consultation on 0131 557 9151.