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Drivers call for crack down on drug driving

‘Crack down on drug driving’ is the message from drivers to the UK government, according to data revealed by a recent poll.

Around 70% of drivers say they don’t think enough is being done about this problem, and 71% want to see the government do more to combat drug driving.

People in the 25-34 age group are most likely to drive while on drugs (8% admit to having done it), while drink driving is most likely among 45-54 year-olds (34% admit to having done it).

The ‘drug and drink driving’ poll carried out by of 2,000 drivers in the UK also reveals:

  • Around 37% of drivers think that drug drivers are LESS likely to get caught than drink drivers, (8% say more likely and 55% see no difference).
  • More drivers admit to drink driving (28%) than drug driving (5%).
  • More men admit to drink driving than women: 38% v 19%.
  • Drug driving is more widespread than drink driving on UK roads, in the opinion of 25% of men and 18% of women.


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