McSporrans criminal solicitors' latest news on all aspects of criminal & road traffic law.

Drink-Drive Rehabilitation courses to be modernised

Proposals to modernise the Drink-Drive Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) have been announced by the Driving Standards Agency.

These aim to improve both the standard of courses offered to drink-driving offenders and the way they are approved. The proposals are also intended to encourage more training providers to become involved in delivering DDRS courses, improving access to the scheme for offenders in areas with high incidences of drink-driving.

The Government also intends to make the financing of the scheme fairer. Rather than the cost of administering the scheme being met by the general taxpayer, the consultation proposes that offenders should pick up the bill for this through the fees they pay to cover the cost of their training.

The overall aim is to reduce the number of re-offenders by educating them on the potential consequences of their behaviour.

The Government's Strategic Framework for Road Safety sets out a commitment to improve the enforcement of drink driving legislation by making DDRS courses mandatory for disqualified drink-drivers. The measures proposed in the consultation are the first step in that process.


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    Lord Advocate to refer Five Cadder Cases to Supreme Court

    The Lord Advocate is to refer five cases to the UK Supreme Court for a further ruling as to the scope of the Cadder v HMA decision which was handed down by last October by the Supreme Court. Contact expert criminal defence solicitors in Edinburgh on 0131 557 9151.

    Double Jeopardy Bill Passed with Unanimous Vote

    On 22 March 2011, the Double Jeopardy (Scotland) Bill passed its third and final stage through the Scottish Parliament. Contact McSporrans criminal lawyers for a free initial consultation on 0131 557 9151.