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Calls for zero-tolerance drink-drive limit

Brake, the road safety charity, has called on the Scottish government to take action to prevent devastating crashes by implementing a zero-tolerance drink drive limit.

Brake welcomes plans to lower the drink-drive limit in Scotland "as a priority", but argues that the proposed level of 50milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood is still too high.

Research shows that even one drink can affect driving ability, and Brake argues that any limit above a 20mg zero-tolerance level is both dangerous and confusing.

Sarah Fatica, general manager at Brake, said: "We're pleased that the Scottish Government is taking heed of the warning that road safety charities and the EU are sending out about the current drink-drive limit. It's certainly a step in the right direction and one that we commend, and we would like to see the British Government also lowering the drink-drive limit.

“However, a 50mg limit is still confusing for the general public and sends mixed messages about whether drinking alcohol and driving is safe. The only way to avoid this is to have a zero tolerance approach so everyone knows it's none for the road."

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